皇帝的新装英文版原文(急求 皇帝的新装 英文剧本)

导读 大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题。皇帝的新装英文版原文,急求 皇帝的新装 英文剧本这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、

大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题。皇帝的新装英文版原文,急求 皇帝的新装 英文剧本这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、皇帝的新装(English) 1Long ago and far away, there lived an Emperor. This Emperor was very vain and could think about nothing but his clothes. He had wardrobes and cupboards full of clothes. They filled his spare bedrooms and upstairs corridors of the palace. The courtiers were worried that the wardrobes would begin to appear downstairs and in their chambers. The Emperor spent hours every morning getting dressed. He had to choose his outfit, preferable a new one, and the shoes and wig to go with it. Mid-morning, he invariably changed into something more formal for his short meetings with his counsellors and advisors. He would change again for lunch, and then again for a rest in the afternoon. He just had to change for dinner and them again for the evening! He kept all the weavers, tailors, cobblers and silk merchants of the city very busy and very happy! News of the Emperor spread to distant kingdoms and finally came to the ears of two very shady characters. "Could we?" they asked themselves. "Could we fool the Emperor who loves new clothes?" "Let's try," they decided. They left their homes and travelled to the Emperor's city. there they saw the many shops selling clothes, shoes and fabrics. For, if the Emperor dressed finely, so too did his couriers. The two travellers went to the palace along with many other tradesmen hoping to sell their wares to the Emperor. They asked to meet the Emperor. "We have something very special to show him," they told the Chamberlain. "That's what everyone says," said the Chamberlain. "Ah, but his is magical," said one, "We have invented a new cloth by using a very special and secret method." The Chamberlain felt that it was his duty to bring new items to the Emperor's attention and he went to tell him. "Something magical?" said the Emperor, who was changing for lunch and admiring himself in the mirror. "Oh, I love new things, Show the two weavers in." The two weavers were shown in, and began to describe their cloth to the Emperor. "It is gold, silver and rainbow coloured, all at the same time," said one. "It shimmers." "It feels like silk, but is as warm as wool," said the second. "It is as light as air," said the first. "A most wonderful fabric." The Emperor was enchanted. He must have an outfit from this new cloth.。


上一篇 2024-05-20
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